Kamis, 19 April 2012

Homey towney? Finalley! :3

20 April 2012
  • Has passed those hectic days after the midterm-tests. Anyway I have to share that I am now a formal Freshman student of International Relations in Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is such a beautiful town in Indonesia and very popular with its tourism aspect. Tourists and travelers have arrived and gone so many times to enjoy the beauty of this town. Obviously not a humongous town, however the foods are everywhere and definitely affordable. Since I am a college student and need more energy to keep up with those activities, so yes I am attached with culinary traveling in this town. (I'm gonna definitely post some about foods in this town! :) ) The foods brought us further away from the college, if you realize! :p Entering this university itself made me have to face dilemmas. I already finished my school year in USA (exchange student) then I got back in my town Semarang - finishing my high school. Then here came the time when I had to see about college - next level of my life - the bridge that brings me to future. True that high school never ends, but college is definitely significant too. Fortunately, I got accepted in one of a college in Netherland. I was so excited, I was so glad that I didn't have to study for college entrance exam in Indonesia (SNMPTN). I know I was such a knuckle head for that, but you know what being a year away from school in Asia and tasted those sweetly easy subjects in school were amazing and made you forget about the whole things of subjects difficulties of school in Indonesia, especially when you are in Science class. Anyway, I got accepted and they set several deadlines to take care of the administrations and everything. Frankly, it was so short in time and my mom was sorta not letting me to stay abroad again, since she wanted me to just at least finish my undergraduate degree in Indonesia. Oh well, I waited for several days then the announcement of national college entrance via invitation in Indonesia (SNMPTN Undangan) came out. I got accepted in Gadjah Mada University (UGM). I was standing in between two roads, Netherland or Indonesia. Two countries that have similarities and related historical backgrounds. UGM for International Relations or Saxion University for Tourism and scholarship. Comparing those were so hard until I got insomnia (well until now, so I guess that won't be the reason I got insomnia). In the end, I chose UGM. I guess closer to family, friends, my people and I think I already applied the quotes of "you can learn and study no matter where and when." 


my senior year of high school in SMA Negeri 3 Kota Semarang

my graduation Graduation in Sheboygan North High School, Wisconsin, USA 

Part of International Relations Class of 2011, Gadjah Mada University

  • Very very very glad to be back in the hometown, since ever. I am that type of girl that doesn't get homesick that often. I miss things back home and blah and blah do happen to me sometimes. But recalling that sometimes then it won't be a huge matter to me. I'm glad to be back in hometown, but not really sad when I cannot make it to be in hometown. Well, I guess you get the point. But yes, I miss meeting up with my brothers and my mom and my dad and I love the facilities that are not provided in my dorm or the foods that are not as fancy as the home-made-foods home. Those are things that usually keeping me going back and forth, Semarang - Yogyakarta. The things that are worth the tiredness and the times. The moments that I only will spend with my friends and best people in hometown are obviously will be only available in my hometown. The places that I have spent years and years plus the memories that passed by are there no matter what. The only thing to enjoy them? Spending sometimes back in hometown, with the best people. :)

Lawang Sewu, Semarang

  • Well, I must make my own agendas of things to do in hometown. What sucks the most is when you have those plans but you have no idea how to make them into reality because the times are limited and so is the money. Now, I've got back and the thing that I firstly do is enjoying my air-conditioned-room plus its wi-fi and its amazing sounds system. But I really wanna spend some times more with those best people. I have to set the priority list of what I should do. Second thing first, after done enjoying my room, I gotta do the assignments. I'm such a bad deadliner. People do procrastinate and do their best in their last times. But me? Not gonna work, except that's how the time limit of the task.
me and highschool friends
my bestfriend, Inung :)

me and brotha, Raihan

I have shared some words in the short story of how I spend this sorta-longdistance-life between Yogyakarta and Semarang. I do enjoy it though. I have two towns, or actually three with Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I will share more and more and keep my blog updated. Hopefully (regarding to this hectic college life). Sigh. Amen to that.

"It's always good to be back in hometown. It means you have some memories and best people to live with who always wait for you to come back."

Hanadia Yurista

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Just Some Words to Start All Over Again

It's been very and quite long time, I haven't updated on my old blog. And when I re-read everything. It's kinda cheesy and nausy, so yes I decided to embrace the new fact that I should really make a new blog. Well, this amazing-brandnew-blog (amen to that) is very different compares to other journals of life or such things (e.g. diary), but in the end it might be similar because this blog contains all of the craziness an stupidities that I usually do in my life (I eat, I love, I jump, I breathe - but might be differently to the others :p). But yeah, please forget the fact that this blog might be a little narcissistic, and another please to remember that people should share about their stories and this blog will do its job to tell you about my daily stories (could have its ups and downs or should have its boredom and excitements), my moments (you know when I get nothing to do, this could be a good media to kill those times), and the information that I have (I'm not a secret agent, but I do will tell you every possibly great infos to share). 
Gosh, I seem to be nervous by the time I type all of these words.   
So, go nuts and happy blogging, for me and for you all! :)